Whisper 27

These days we live in, focusing on our own personal Health is very important and essential to Survive the surrounding pressure and difficulties we are facing in life, you hear people end up with being victims of anti-depression medications or any sort of pain killers trying or believing that it works for them to manage passing by the days and their pain symptoms,but the fact is that nothing won’t change and they are just slowly digging their grave by their own hands, so it a priority for everyone of us to maintain our Mental/Physical/spiritual health doing activities that helps triggering better Health, total wellness, and bring Happiness to our Mind Body and Soul, but thats not just it also our minds need to be aligned the right way before we seek that, that way we can make sure that whatever we do that make us happy and smiling is not actually something that will end up hurting us.

M Whispers

Whisper 26

Three Months passed with a lot of emotions, thoughts and situations, many of us lost beloved ones, some of us may be afraid that they might loss theirs too, a lot of frustration around with tragedies left and right that been around since this year started, but we are still here and we will stay here, till the end of days, as all Nations will rise again and will make sure we stand on our feet, for beloved ones, for family, for our Nation and for our humanity, maybe we will get a big hit financially and world might see another depression, but that also shall pass like those ones before, lets stay strong, lets have faith, lets support each other, lets love each other, the more we think selfless the better the gain to everyone.

2020 might’ve been not the most pleasant year so far, but the best is yet to come and when it happens we will remember those days “We are in right now” we will remember them but with a smile on our face that we made it till the End, we will survive.

M Whispers

Whisper 25

Please Stay Home Safe Everybody…. Enjoy the quarantine, use the time to reflect and assess your direction and decisions you took in life, quality time to spend with those close ones to you, and it shall pass soon, Stay Positive and spread the Support as much as you can!

M Whispers

Whisper 24

You probably heard them once said that “Vision without execution… is just hallucination” and ” Action without vision is just a nightmare”….. Well it is true…. We all need this in our lives in all aspects, we all need to make sure our lives are neither days lived in hallucination nor living the nightmare, we all must have vision, somewhere we look up to reach by achieving small goals that will lead there one day, somewhere where whenever whoever ask us whats our purpose from living this life we could be able to answer in 2 Seconds.

we all need to act based on our vision because we don’t wanna end up hallucinating…RIGHT? and just to live in an imaginary path in our state of mind but not in our actual day by day activities that will be a typical Nightmare!

what holds us? why we want this and that? what we need to do to make it happen? whats those baby steps we need to accomplish?, all these are questions need a fair answer from us, and once we find answers for them usually they will give us the motivation and they will inspire our next move.

Till then we stay Focused, and we all will get there one day.

M Whispers

Whisper 23

It is about Christmas Time and Holidays,JOY, HAPPINESS, FAMILY TIME AND FRIENDS CRAZINESS party nights, special days to think and take your time to assess your life and where you at and where you want to be next year!

-Enjoy your Holidays Everyone.

M Whispers

Whisper 22

The Focal Point….it is a mark, logo, sign ….etc! you choose to look at it every day once you open your eyes, to remind you with the WHY you here on earth? or What you live for?. it is your source of focusing on what you want to reach…. so have a personal Focal point and make sure it is an effective one that can keeps you going!

M Whispers

Whisper 19

So that will probably sound Funny a bit but you don’t need to read a new advice or hear somebody telling you what you should do, we believe that just “GET UP” and “DO IT”, do what you should do instead of just knowing it, close out that Gap between knowing and doing so you can be YOU…!

You got to figure out what gets you to stop at just knowing instead of knowing and doing ,why and how could you move from that step! if you are tired of being not you then “GET UP AND BE YOU”

M Whispers

Whisper 18

Sometimes we fall for the idea of what success is based on others measurements and criteria, people set examples like you gotta make X amount of money, you have to work for top 100 fortune companies etc… all that is good but we measure our success comparing where we stand vs where they are at, or based on what they are setting as a standard to be successful, and we forget the fact that we are the ones who should be setting those standards, we are the ones who need to be aware of our lives and where is it going, what is the purpose of it, and why we are doing whatever we are doing?
Most likely while we are looking for those answers, we will discover more about who we are and what we really believe in, our values, targets we are looking for, interests and vision that we want to live for, and that would be your scale to measure your success, but before that if we will grant ourselves that power or acknowledge it we better get ourselves ready for it and prepare ourselves the right way,don’t let people set it for you, you go build yours and show it to everyone, may be someone else will follow because they choose the same path and if they did and you were one of the reasons to inspire them, then Congratulation because you just didn’t help yourself to find it and thats it, you actually did find it and inspired others as well, so make sure if you are looking for yours first, look carefully and know the Consequences!

M Whispers

Whisper 17

Perspectives are a combination of logical and emotional inputs
mixed with the experience of that individual who is telling them, the way he/she looks to the situation/event from his/her dimensions, how big or small, wide or narrow , easy or hard the situation is….etc

In order to find someone that might shares the same point of views in most of your life event all what you need to do is to be there, at those common grounds that would lead to meet that person you are looking for, you got be the right person in the right location to right one, if you had met a person already but it seems like you are not sharing as much as you wanted of same perspectives, but you won’t let go, you still can find a common ground between both worlds and that is “acceptance”, you don’t have to agree on one perspective all the time, but you always need to learn the life of accepting one another.

M Whispers