Whisper 28

“Positive vibes only and Smile always” a great attitude of how to stand strong in life and it’s difficult situations, but the main reason of this Whisper is actually to talk about the other side of this attitude and trend, feelings are important and they are real if they weren’t important, it won’t make sense that they exist, Feelings are a part of us and we can’t just ignore them, otherwise we are just killing a part of ourselves inside, it is important to feel our feelings and allow them as long as they are proper and suitable, ignoring them is the most ignorance and weakest action we can take, missing out is a big deal as well, many situations will require us act based on our feelings not what our rational side, learning how to manage our feelings and Control it is a skill we have to master, but allowing our feelings to act is as important as our rational side too, this way we can be back to our normal image and balance, a decent healthy wellbeing is the one who had a balance between his/her Brain and Heart.

M Whispers